
Have you ever gotten into your vehicle to realize you’re not the only one? We’re not dealing with humans or four-legged companions; we’re talking about ants. Ants problems are prevalent and can cause significant damage to your vehicle. Thus, knowing how to get ants out of your car is crucial. 

In today’s post, Driverevolve will discuss why ants like your car, what causes ant infestations, and the 2 best ways to deal with them. 

Why Do Ants Like Cars?

Since different control options suit different “types” of ants, it’s crucial to grasp some basic ant sciences, particularly the distinctions between budding and swarming ants, before diving into the methods. 

Budding Ants 

Controlling budding ants is more challenging. Such ants breed by deploying a squad of experienced worker ants to protect a newly fertilized empress to a neighboring nest to initiate another home.

Numerous factors, including over-the-counter (insect repellent) treatments, can prompt an ant nest to split into several more homes, making it extremely hard to deal with. Thus, if you experience budding ants, avoid using these substances.
Budding ants are harder to deal with. – Florida Environmental Pest Management 

Numerous factors, including over-the-counter (insect repellent) treatments, can prompt an ant nest to split into several more homes, making it extremely hard to deal with. Thus, if you experience budding ants, avoid using these substances.

A few budding species include:

  • Banded sugar ants or stink ants.
  • Pharaoh ants.
  • Argentine ants.

P/s:  A few budding colonies are so responsive that just sprinkling water may irritate and cause them to split. 

Swarming Ants 

Swarming ants bred using winged organisms. They usually move in big groups and produce offspring when environments are ideal.

Reproduction usually occurs on 2 occasions, one in early summertime and the other in midsummer to autumn. Here are a few notable species of swarming ants:
Swarming ants usually move together. – National History Museum 

Reproduction usually occurs on 2 occasions, one in early summertime and the other in midsummer to autumn. Here are a few notable species of swarming ants:

  • Carpenter ants.
  • Cornfield ants.
  • Pavement ants.

When getting rid of ant infestation using over-the-counter ant treatments, it is best to locate their nest and use the chemicals right there so that the solution contacts the colony’s members and the larvae directly. This ensures a more successful treatment.

If you’re unsure what kind of ant is inhabiting your vehicle, call a nearby professional pest agency that excels at IPM (integrated pest management). They will assist you in determining the sort of ant you’re facing, which may indicate the root cause, and offer proper control techniques for each type of ant.

What Causes Ant Infestation In Your Vehicle?

As you notice ants in your vehicle, you might have an urge to wipe them out using any over-the-counter insect treatment you might get at the shop, but it’s crucial to take time and consider what’s creating the insect issue, to begin with. 

Acting this way will help you and the ones around you avoid repeated exposure to dangerous substances without results.

A Crumb-Filled Car

Your automobiles might be full of food particles and other sweets that recruit ants, whether it’s children snacking in the passenger’s seat or a piece of chocolates in the cup holder. Ants aren’t afraid to grab any snack scraps and bring them back to their colony, regardless of where the food comes from.

Thus, it’s advisable to vacuum your vehicle to remove any food remnants frequently. If you find any sugary stains, deal with them immediately because ants love these kinds of spills. Even an emptied beverage might serve as an ant's meal.
Food crumbs in cars will attract ants. – The Daily Mall 

Thus, it’s advisable to vacuum your vehicle to remove any food remnants frequently. If you find any sugary stains, deal with them immediately because ants love these kinds of spills. Even an emptied beverage might serve as an ant’s meal.

A Car Parked Near An Ant Nest

You might have parked your car near an ant colony, and the ants are looking for food. In this case, ensure that these ants will not find any food inside the vehicle, and afterward, start looking for signs of food around your parked car. There might be something attracting these creatures nearby.

When scanning for the root cause of an ant infestation in your parking site, search the cracks in the sides, around the corners, and areas where 2 brick pavers connect (notably, in front of your garage entrance).

Most of those regions are common ant routes, with ants actively walking. Such might be the ones causing the pest problem in your vehicle.
Search for nests in nearby areas. – My Car Makes Noises 

Most of those regions are common ant routes, with ants actively walking. Such might be the ones causing the pest problem in your vehicle.

Try to classify the species if you come across a huge nest of active ants around your vehicle to define the best method to deal with them. Contact a nearby Integrated Pest Control business if you need assistance in this phase.

How To Get Ants Out Of Your Car 

Wiping away any possible food supply that might be drawing ants in will solve the problem in most cases. However, consider the below control techniques if the ants persist after cleaning the car.

Try DIY Remedies

If you’re not interested in the thought of using a dedicated ant-killer for car, you might start with at-home solutions. A few sources claim that 3 tablespoons of Dawn soap combined with 2 cups of hot water and 3 spoonfuls of salt will successfully eliminate the ants.

Ants despise citrus as well (like spiders and other insects). While mopping your vehicle, utilize a citrus-based cleaning product to keep them at bay. Add citrus extract to the above Dawn soap combination for an even more powerful exterminator.

Use Ant Spray For Car  

If home treatments aren’t working, it’s time to call in the harsh chemicals. Buy some ant-killing sprays at Home Depot or Lowe’s and use them inside your car. 

Sprays will kill these tiny annoying creatures immediately; however, be cautious of the product you use, especially if you have children or companion animals in the vehicle.
Ant sprays can eliminate ants quickly. – The Spruce 

Sprays will kill these tiny annoying creatures immediately; however, be cautious of the product you use, especially if you have children or companion animals in the vehicle.

Use Ant Traps For Car

If you wish to be extra impulsive, or if the problem is somewhat extreme, you may strive to use over-the-counter ant traps to help address the ant infestation within your vehicle.

Ant baits are intended to fool ants into believing the lure is a reliable food supply, so don’t put them in your vehicle. These baits are tasty, and the ants will devour them.

Setting ant bait traps in your vehicle may exacerbate the existing ant infestation before the situation improves. Alternatively, search for small ant traps and adhere them to the surface near your car to repel ants. It is advisable to place ant bait traps along pre-existing ant colonies.

Wrapping Up 

How to get ants out of your car? Hopefully, today’s post has helped you answer that question. The 3 methods above only eradicate the problem once, not permanently. The best long-term solution is to keep the ants at bay by regularly cleaning your car and the surrounding area. That’s it – off we go! 

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